Project supporters

Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector
HyPipe Bavaria
Hydrogen Center Bavaria
H2 Süd
Ústí region

Producers & Off-takers



As a European producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen, Lhyfe is dedicated to transform entire sections of industry and mobility into clean business models. With an offer in over 10 European countries, Lhyfe helps to reduce CO2 emissions, to gain a competitive edge in green business models and drive local development all while controlling costs associated with rising CO2 prices. Founded in 2017, Lhyfe builds on a wide range of engineering capacities and experience that allows for a cooperative learning curve amongst all stakeholders in the hydrogen value chain.



RWE is leading the way to a clean energy world. With its investment and growth strategy Growing Green, RWE is contributing significantly to the success of the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the energy system. Around 20,000 employees work for the company in almost 30 countries worldwide. RWE is already one of the leading companies in the field of renewable energy. RWE is investing billions of euros in expanding its generation portfolio, in particular in offshore and onshore wind, solar energy and batteries. It is perfectly complemented by its global energy trading business. RWE is decarbonising its business in line with the 1.5-degree reduction pathway and will phase out coal by 2030. RWE will be net zero by 2040. Fully in line with the company’s purpose – Our energy for a sustainable life.



Düsseldorf-based Uniper is an international energy company with activities in more than 40 countries. With around 7,000 employees, it makes an important contribution to security of supply in Europe. Uniper’s core businesses are power generation in Europe, global energy trading, and a broad gas portfolio. Uniper procures gas – including liquefied natural gas (LNG) – and other energy sources on global markets. The company owns and operates gas storage facilities with a capacity of more than 7 billion cubic meters. Uniper plans for its 22.5 GW of installed power-generating capacity in Europe to be carbon-neutral by 2035. The company already ranks among Europe’s largest operators of hydroelectric plants and intends to further expand solar and wind energy, which are essential for a more sustainable and autonomous future.

Uniper is a reliable partner for communities, municipal utilities, and industrial enterprises for planning and implementing innovative, lower-carbon solutions on their decarbonization journey. Uniper is a hydrogen pioneer, is active worldwide along the entire hydrogen value chain, and is conducting projects to make hydrogen a mainstay of the energy supply.

Infrastructure operators

Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector

Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector

The Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC) is a 1,250 km offshore pipeline system which will connect mainland Finland and Sweden with Germany. Between Finland, Sweden and Germany the pipeline system can be connected to hubs for hydrogen production on the islands of Åland and Gotland.

The BHC will help unlock the substantial but so far largely untapped potential for production of renewable energy and green hydrogen in the region. Furthermore, the BHC pipeline system will have a large-scale transportation capacity of up to 4.5 Megatons of hydrogen per year and thereby enable cost-efficient energy transportation.

The project is developed by the Finnish and Swedish transmission system operators Gasgrid Finland Oy and Nordion Energi AB together with the renewable infrastructure developer Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners in Denmark.



bayernets GmbH is the transmission system operator in Bavaria. As part of the European gas transmission system, we transport gas through Southern Germany efficiently, safely and in an environmentally friendly way. Sustainability is at the core of everything we do.

We make a central contribution to the security of supply in our network area. By operating our pipelines safely, optimising our grid in line with demand and developing our network sustainably, we ensure a high-performance transmission network.

We are shaping the energy transition and already setting the course for transporting hydrogen as an important building block in the energy system of the future.

Ústí region


GasNet is the Czech Republic’s largest natural gas distributor. GasNet distributes gas reliably and safely to over 2.3 million customers, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. GasNet believes in the future of gas and is determined to be a pillar of modern and green energy. The largest Czech DSO is preparing for the transition to green gases. They are betting on biomethane and hydrogen. Renewable biomethane is already flowing through gasnet’s pipelines.

In the medium to long term GasNet expects to introduce hydrogen. They have been intensively preparing their network for its distribution for a long time now. GasNet’s goal is to have only emission-free hydrogen flowing through its pipelines by 2050.

HyPipe Bavaria

HyPipe Bavaria – The Hydrogen Hub

With the HyPipe Bavaria – The Hydrogen Hub project, bayernets will be laying the foundation for the indispensable Bavarian hydrogen network, to be completed by 2030. The project is an important element in the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) and connects regions with hydrogen demand with numerous production regions both within Germany and abroad. bayernets is setting the course for importing hydrogen to Bavaria and are thus shaping the European hydrogen hub.

Other Organizations

Hydrogen Center Bavaria

Hydrogen Center Bavaria

The Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) is the networking and coordination center for hydrogen in Bavaria, initiated and financed by the Free State of Bavaria. The H2.B operates nationally and internationally at the interface between industry, science and politics. The center bundles the diverse competencies and hydrogen activities of the Free State under one cross-sector umbrella and provides information, advice and networking support. It also develops the Hydrogen Roadmap Bavaria.

Furthermore, the H2.B coordinates the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria, a joint platform for networking and knowledge transfer of more than 370 hydrogen players (as of March 2025) from industry and science with an office or subsidiary located in Bavaria.


Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform (HYTEP)

The Platform formation was initiated in the year 2006 by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. Their intention was to create a tool to support mutual awareness of bodies active in the area of hydrogen technologies and to coordinate activities related to the development of these applications. To date, the Platform has 80 members, primarily Czech private companies, but there are also a number of scientific and academic groups.

  • The Platform mission is to support the development of hydrogen technologies and implement hydrogen economy in the Czech Republic.
  • The Platform contributes to the coordination of mutual activities run by bodies developing hydrogen technologies and hydrogen economy, following both domestic and foreign programs and financial resources.
  • The Platform defines, represents, supports, defends and enforces duly justified common interests of its members with the goal to create a suitable environment for the development of hydrogen economy.
H2 Süd

H2 Süd

H2 Süd eV. – DIE WASSERSTOFF-INITIATIVE BAYERN & BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG is a non-profit organization founded in October 2019. The purpose of the initiative is to encourage science and research as well as environmental protection with the focus on climate protection. Together with it’s members H2 Süd e.V. pursues the goal of promoting a decentralized, resource-saving and sustainable energy supply and the usage of green hydrogen.

With offices in Munich and Stuttgart, Southern Germany has been the regional focus from the beginning. Taking into account the specific regional conditions it is the goal to explore and determine the scientific, economic, technical and political prerequisites for the entire value chain of a H2 economy and to promote and accelerate the implementation of green hydrogen energy concepts. In doing so H2 Süd e.V. and it’s members want to contribute to developing Southern Germany into a technologically leading location for green hydrogen applications.

H2 Süd e.V. – sharing knowledge, connecting science, companies, politics and civil society thus shaping the energy environment of the future.

Ústí region

Ústí region

The Ústí region has been active for a long time in the development of hydrogen economy potential on its territory. The Ústí Region plays an unquestionably prime role in the field of hydrogen in the Czech Republic as is natural in this industrial region for more than the last 100 years. It also makes a profile in the field of international cooperation and also has become the first Central European region to be accepted into the European Hydrogen Valley Partnership, by which the Ústí Region declares its interest in working together to build a climate-neutral Europe. It is thus preparing for a significant transformation process associated with the gradual decline of mining and energy use of brown coal after more than 100 years, same time as it is the history of Hydrogen production and usage in the region.

With the aim of preserving the importance of this region as the energetic heart of the Czech Republic even within the framework of the energy transition, the Hydrogen Strategy of the Ústí Region was created in April 2022, as the first document of its kind in the Czech Republic. The strategy was approved by the Regional Council for the Competitiveness of the Ústí Region, and the Ústí Region Council also took note of it at the same moment. It is the first comprehensive strategic document in history of Czech Republic focused on the development of the regional hydrogen economy, which is intended to contribute to the improvement of the economic, social and environmental situation of the region. Dozens of regional entities participated in its creation, from the regional self-government to business associations, individual companies, research organizations to cities and municipalities united in the Hydrogen Platform of the Ústí Region, which has been operating since 2018.